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"Officially assigned" country codes from ISO-3166, with English and French names249 rows, last changed 1 year ago, licensed under PDDL-1.0
Row ID alpha-2 alpha-3 numeric english-name french-name
1 AF AFG 4 Afghanistan Afghanistan (l')
2 AX ALA 248 Åland Islands Åland(les Îles)
3 AL ALB 8 Albania Albanie (l')
4 DZ DZA 12 Algeria Algérie (l')
5 AS ASM 16 American Samoa Samoa américaines (les)
6 AD AND 20 Andorra Andorre (l')
7 AO AGO 24 Angola Angola (l')
8 AI AIA 660 Anguilla Anguilla
9 AQ ATA 10 Antarctica Antarctique (l')
10 AG ATG 28 Antigua and Barbuda Antigua-et-Barbuda