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Column name | Column type | Column value |
Row ID | integer | 9 |
article_id | integer | 1819558794 |
headline | string | Is There Life on Mars? |
description | string | NASA scientists recently discovered a Martian rock that may contain the remains of ancient life, raising the distinct possibility that we are not alone in the universe. What do you think? |
name | string | Karyn Orosco |
quote | string | Perhaps now we'll find that men truly are from Mars—and that women are from Venus. |
occupation | string | Psychologist |
picture_url | string | https://i.kinja-img.com/gawker-media/image/upload/s--lVEhf-r8--/c_fill,f_auto,fl_progressive,g_center,h_200,q_80,w_200/vp7anutaywiqbbbkad1c.jpg |
page_url | string | https://www.theonion.com/is-there-life-on-mars-1819558794 |
date | string | 1996-08-21 |
picture_category | string | 18 |