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Opcodes for the 6502 ISA178 rows, last changed 5 months ago, licensed under ODC-By-1.0
Row ID opcode mnemonic mode base_cycles force_cycles bytes pattern
1 0 BRK Immediate 7 <NA> 2 BRK #$hh
2 1 ORA ZeroPageIndexedIndirect 6 <NA> 2 ORA ($hh,X)
3 4 TSB ZeroPage 5 <NA> 2 TSB $hh
4 5 ORA ZeroPage 3 <NA> 2 ORA $hh
5 6 ASL ZeroPage 5 <NA> 2 ASL $hh
6 8 PHP Implied 3 <NA> 1 PHP
7 9 ORA Immediate 2 <NA> 2 ORA #$hh
8 10 ASL Accumulator 5 2 1 ASL
9 12 TSB Absolute 6 <NA> 3 TSB $hhhh
10 13 ORA Absolute 4 <NA> 3 ORA $hhhh