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approx. 108,496 rows, last changed 6 months ago
Row ID year coo_name coo coo_iso coa_name coa coa_iso procedure_type app_type dec_level app_pc applied
108487 2005 Cambodia CAM KHM Thailand THA THA U V RA P 8
108488 2005 China CHI CHN Thailand THA THA U V RA P 8
108489 2005 Dem. Rep. of the Congo COD COD Thailand THA THA U V RA P 5
108490 2005 Iran (Islamic Rep. of) IRN IRN Thailand THA THA U V RA P 5
108491 2005 Lao People's Dem. Rep. LAO LAO Thailand THA THA U V RA P 8
108492 2005 Sri Lanka LKA LKA Thailand THA THA U V RA P 5
108493 2005 Myanmar MYA MMR Thailand THA THA U V RA P 28
108494 2005 Viet Nam SRV VNM Thailand THA THA U V RA P 5
108495 2005 Morocco MOR MAR Türkiye TUR TUR U V RA P 5
108496 2005 Pakistan PAK PAK Türkiye TUR TUR U V RA P 5