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robertbrook / candidacies-2019 / rows / 3

Column name Column type Column value
Row ID integer 3
Parliament number integer 58
Parliament summoned on date 2019-12-17
Parliament dissolved on date 2024-05-30
Parliament Wikidata ID string Q77685395
Parliament London Gazette citation string issue 64411
Parliament URL string http://electionresults.parliament.uk/parliament-periods/58
General election polling date date 2019-12-12
General election is notional boolean No
Total electorate in general election integer 47562702
Total valid votes in general election integer 32014110
Total invalid votes in general election integer 117919
General election URL string http://electionresults.parliament.uk/general-elections/4
Country name string Wales
Country geographic code string W92000004
Country URL string http://electionresults.parliament.uk/countries/6
English region name string <NA>
English region geographic code string <NA>
English region URL string <NA>
Constituency name string Aberavon
Constituency geographic code string W07000049
Constituency designation string County
Constituency URL string http://electionresults.parliament.uk/constituency-areas/1
Boundary set start date date 2010-04-13
Boundary set end date date 2024-05-30
Boundary set URL string http://electionresults.parliament.uk/boundary-sets/7
Electorate integer 50750
Election polling date date 2019-12-12
Election is by-election boolean No
Declaration time string 2019-12-13 02:30:00 UTC
Election valid vote count integer 31598
Election invalid vote count integer 82
Election URL string http://electionresults.parliament.uk/elections/1301
Election result summary string Lab hold
Candidate family name string Davies
Candidate given name string Glenda
Candidate MNIS ID integer <NA>
Candidate is sitting MP boolean No
Candidate is former MP boolean No
Candidate Member URL string <NA>
Main party name string The Brexit Party
Main party abbreviation string BRX
Main party Electoral Commission ID string PP7931
Main party MNIS ID integer 1006
Main party URL string http://electionresults.parliament.uk/political-parties/153
Adjunct party name string <NA>
Adjunct party abbreviation string <NA>
Adjunct party Electoral Commission ID string <NA>
Candidate is standing as Commons Speaker boolean No
Candidate is standing as independent boolean No
Candidate vote count integer 3108
Candidate vote share float 0.098361
Candidate vote change float <NA>
Majority integer <NA>
Candidate result position integer 3