What formats does csvbase support?

Accessing tables in various formats

csvbase supports the following formats:

Format name File extension HTTP content type Paged
HTML .html text/html Yes
JSON .json application/json Yes
CSV (Comma separated variables) .csv. text/csv No
Parquet .parquet application/parquet [non-standard] No
JSON lines .jsonl application/x-jsonlines [non-standard] No
Microsoft Excel .xlsx application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet No

To download a table in a given format, you have three options:

  1. Use the dropdown in the web UI
  2. Append the file extension to the url
  3. Set the HTTP Accept header (in your HTTP client)
    • eg curl -H 'Accept: application/x-jsonlines' https://csvbase.com/meripaterson/stock-exchanges

For "paged" formats (like JSON) you will need to go through the dataset page by page to read all of it. For unpaged formats (like Parquet or Microsoft Excel) you will just recieve the entire table as a single file.