csvbase is a simple website for sharing table data. Join the discord.

What is the table API?

And what can you do with it?

csvbase has a REST API.

Each table URL doubles as an API endpoint.


  • GET retrieves the table
    • set the Accept header to determine the format
  • PUT creates a new table at /<your-username>/<some-table-name>
  • DELETE deletes the table
  • POST appends new rows


Authentication isn't required for all requests but is required:

  • for private tables (available to supporters
  • and when using the verb PUT, DELETE or POST

Use HTTP basic auth to provide your username and API key.

csvbase_row_id and id collation

All csvbase tables contain a column (which is added automatically if not present) named csvbase_row_id.

This column contains autoincremented, unique integers that are used to refer to specific rows both from outside of csvbase and internally.

If this a value in this row is null, a new, unique row id will be generated.