csvbase is a simple web database. Please join the committee to keep csv evil.

calpaterson / country-codes Public domain

"Officially assigned" country codes from ISO-3166, with English and French names — 249 rows, last changed 7 months ago
Make a copy
Make a copy

Export to MS Excel

handy for correlation
Use an embedded excel table

Export to CSV/TSV

handy for correlation


To load this dataset into pandas, do the following

import pandas as pd
# you just use the same url as the table page
country_codes = pd.read_csv("https://csvbase.com/calpaterson/country-codes", index_col="csvbase_row_id")


To load this dataset into R, do the following

# you just use the same url as the table page
country_codes <- read.csv('https://csvbase.com/calpaterson/country-codes')